Saturday, March 7, 2015

Where is the End of Present Political Crisis ?

     It has been observed that leaders of our government and opposite parties have no intension to resolve the present political crisis. As days goes on we are not hoping that this crisis would be solved very soon. Government party has strong ruled on the opposition party and opposition parties are trying to make an insurgency in the country so that government will be forced to hand over power to a caretaker government. Our opposition parties want a free and fair election under a caretaker government and also a fair election commission. On the other hand ruling parties want to keep the government in power. This is the fact. That is why our mass people have been suffering a lot of violence in the last two months. They are seeking how they get rid of that crisis.

     It was a long story of that crisis. At late 2006 when five years ruling of BNP government ended, they wanted to hold General election as constitutional obligation. So General Election was scheduled under a caretaker government but did not take place.  Members of that government were nominated by BNP. So Awami League did not give legitimacy of that government denied to participate that election and continued political movement until that government fall. That political movement was become very strong and administration was gone totally to out of control. Many people were died due to political violence. So suddenly chief advisor declared the abolition of that caretaker government and he formed an interim government with five advisors. It was a military-backed government. The chief advisor declared that the government would be continued to undefined time until or unless the political situation on rest. So military-backed government controlled political violence with strong hands and political situation was being cool down. After three months political situation was very calm. That interim government started to reform all constitutional institutes like Election   Commission, PSC and also Local Government Bodies like Union Parishad, Upazilla Parishad etc. That interim government took a dramatic role in the history of Bangladesh in preparing an updated voter list for the election of national assembly. Election commission executed that work. There are many works which were done by that government was appreciated very much by our people.

     The interim government was continued their ruling up to two years. After passing one year the government was approached to take a new General election for assembly. So government was arranged a series of discussion with all major political parties of Bangladesh. After discussion with all parties government started their electoral procedure and Ninth General election was held in late 2008. Bangladesh Awami League won that election and formed a government. But after election BNP rejected the result of that election and blamed the interim government that election was not fair.
From the beginning of Awami League government BNP was started political movement to hold General election under a free and fair election commission. But Awami League government denied establishing their demand. When Awami League government abolished care taker government in assembly then BNP opposed very strongly against that bill. So BNP started their political movement strongly and told government that they will never participate General election under Awami League goverment. Few discussion were weld the government but was not succeeded. Various international agencies like United Nations, European Commission, US, UK etc. sent their delegates to resolve our political crisis. But anybody did not be able to resolve that. In spite of strong oppose from BNP the government held election of national assembly at 5th January of 2015. It was one sided election and Auami League won that election. Awami League told that election was held for continuing constitutional sequences.

    So after 5th January 2015 BNP has been continuing their political movement with violence. It is now still going on. Many people were died due to petrol bombs thrown into buses, trucks, auto rickshaws etc. So far 116 people have been died of political violence. Awami League government wants to continue government up to 2019 and BNP wants an immediate General election under a care taker government. No one wants to give minimum exemption on their demands. No one wants to discuss their demands with each other. They do not want to discuss their issues on a table. So who will solve their problems? Our civil society is trying to combine them in a table but did not able. Some foreign delegates were also tried to resolve that but did not able. Our economy is being declined day by day. Transport sectors have been damaged severely. Due to lack of transport and insecurity our industries did not get raw materials and send their products to ports. So production is decreasing day by day. Foreign buyers of garments sectors have canceled their orders since shipments are not being in due time. In every sector we see only loss.

    So our political parties should keep in mind that the future of this country is on their hands. It they want a bright future of this country they can make it and if they want to destroy this country they can do also it. So our political parties should know that our mass people do not like such politics at all. They have hated it. Because this politics can destroy our economy, can decline our socio-economic status, can create poverty, can destroy property and can kill our people. So our political parties should think where is their destination.

    Our people are peaceful. They are facing a lot due to political violence. But at stage our people will resist our bad politics and politicians will not get any way to save them from public attack.

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